When tacky dresses happen to good people


Rihanna is a beautiful young lady, however, I cannot support this look. It accomplishes one thing, and one thing only, to shock and get attention. An artiste of her caliber really does not need to  resort to these classless tactics.

Everything wrong with the look:

  1. She is missing underwear. There isn't a bra, camisole, tank top or tube top to preserve some dignity.
  2. Do not wear sheer from head to toe. It can be elegant to strategically show some skin through sheer fabric. Just like perfume, sheer is better in small quantities. 
  3. Her nipples are on display. Where are those people who say that showing breasts in public (breastfeeding) is vulgar and disgusting???
  4. The sleeves are too short. It's like they ran out of fabric after doing the hem.

  5. The dress potentially has an amazing cut, but we will never know as the fabric and pattern are keeping that a secret.
  6. The issue of the shoes is too easy. They are cute, but for a Barbecue, Party or just hanging with the girls. At the very least she could have tied her laces.
  7. The Superbowl is over, she can ditch those linebacker shoulder pads too.