Why “Bless You” after a sneeze?

How to sneeze in public 

Practice sneezing at home. Aim for making your sneeze as quiet as possible. You can do it.

If one is available, Sneeze into a tissue. Throw it away immediately. As in right away. Excuse yourself and cross highways if necessary to dispose of the used tissue. 


Sneeze into your elbow. Sneezes can be a surprise. You’re in public. You don’t have tissue. There are people next to you. You know it’s going to be a big one; maybe a little wet, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Lift your elbow to your nose before the sneeze is expelled and release into the crook of your arm. Excuse yourself to the restroom immediately. First to finish blowing your nose. Second, to clear any extra moisture. Third to check for anything extra hanging from your nose. 

The practice of saying “Bless You”,  dates back to at least 590 CE, when Pope Gregory I commanded that anyone who sneezed immediately be blessed out of fear that it was a sign they had contracted The Plague.

At one time people believed a man’s soul could be inadvertently thrust from his body by an explosive sneeze.

Conversely, the sneeze itself was the expulsion of a demon or evil spirit which had taken up residence in a person.

The heart was believed to momentarily stop during a sneeze (it doesn’t)

Yet other folks echo the theme of other superstitions about sneezes, that these expulsions are either in themselves lucky or foretell good fortune.

Finally, some see the sneeze as a blessing bestowed by the sneezer upon the sneezed-upon.


Source: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/bless-yo...

To tip, or not to tip

Why we tip

tip jar.jpg
  • People in the service industry typically make minimum wage and tipping supplements that income

  • To show appreciation for good service

  • You are generous

  • Social norm, custom, and habit

How much to tip Wait Staff and Bartenders

15% to 20%

15% is on the low end of the tipping scale. It shows that you are aware of the custom, but not particularly impressed by the service received. Another possibility is that you are frugal. Nothing wrong with that. Above 20% demonstrates that you believe you received good/exceptional service.

How to calculate Wait staff tip

Some people take the easy way out by whipping out a calculator. Others do the math on paper or in their heads. There isn’t a wrong method, as long as the tip amount is correct.

The bill: $24.20 Tax$2.15

  • 15% = $3.63

  • Double the tax = $4.30

  • 20% = move the decimal one space the left, $2.40, then double that $4.80

Who to tip

  1. Wait Staff, Bartenders, food delivery, and if there is one, the tip jar at the register.

  2. The dog groomer. Take into consideration if your pet has any special needs. 

  3. The hair salon. Especially if you plan to return or you are a regular customer. Or your hairstyle is giving you life.

  4. Valets. It may not guarantee, no smoking, no radio station changing, no seat adjustments, and return of all belongings, but it helps. 

  5. Furniture Delivery. Especially if they must take the stairs, take apart and reassemble furniture, or even arranging furniture to suit your needs. 

  6. Bathroom attendant. Obviously. 

  7. Food delivery. The meal was brought to your apartment door, while you’re wearing PJs, sweats, or just a towel (never answer the door in a towel). 

  8.  Hotel:

    • Housekeeping, they clean up after you.

    • Bellhop: the lifted your suitcases and bags to you r room.

    • Room service: they delivered the food to your room.

    • Doorman: they opened the door and hailed your cab. Aren’t you fancy.

  9. Cab Driver: We all appreciate getting to the destination alive

  10. Professionals who come to your home for emergency repairs, like a plumber

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