You are not obligated to respond to all messages. Women get bombarded with messages while online dating. Many of the messages are from guys who play a numbers game and send messages to everyone. They basically copy and paste the same couple of lines to see who will take the bait. You can tell it is a copy and paste when the message is basically, “I like your profile/pics, and would like to get to know you”. A personalized message usually makes reference to a detail in your profile or your interests. His message will make it obvious that he read your profile.
“Hi” and “Hello” are not messages. If he cannot spare the time to write two sentences to introduce himself, then he is not worth your time. A man who is genuinely interested will initiate an actual conversation. He may tell you a little about himself, plus ask you a question or two about yourself. You need to put out the same energy you are receiving. Do not respond to one word messages with a paragraph. Better yet, don’t respond to one word responses at all. If you receive a message that makes it obvious that he read your profile, and he asks questions, do the polite thing and respond with the same energy.
Block matches that only objectify you in the first message. Guys who have nothing else to say except how beautiful you are in the first message are looking for a hookup, no strings attached, non monogamous arrangement. Yes, you are beautiful. You have a mirror. We know that you bring more to the table in addition to your good looks. The bad news is that beauty fades. Therefore, his interest in you needs to be deeper.
If he is not asking questions, he is not interested in getting to know you. If the only conversation he can have is about himself, sports, other women, and more about himself, then he needs a friend or a therapist. He is not trying to find something special in you.
Let him ask to meet in real life. The point of creating a dating profile, uploading pictures, paying for a subscription, and searching for matches is so that you can actually meet someone to date. Hopefully, dating leads to a relationship. Making the leap to offline communication is a huge step. Messaging can only let you know a little about a person. You need to read body language, facial expressions, and make eye contact to really make a connection. Apparently you are interested in him if you are still messaging. You may be anxious to meet him, but let him make that move. It is not ladylike to be the aggressor. Give him a chance to man up and ask for that first date.