Elevator Etiquette

Waiting for the elevator

  1. Do not press the button if the light is on. The light on usually indicates that someone already pressed the button. You do not have the magic touch to make the elevator come faster.
  2. Do not stand directly in front of the elevator door. Stand to the side, to allow easy exit of the people on the elevator.
  3. Only enter the elevator after everyone leaving is actually out.
  4. End cell phone conversations, by letting the other party know that you are entering an elevator and you may lose reception.
  5. Do not take the elevator if you are going up only one flight. A disability and carrying heavy packages are the only exceptions.
  6. If a gentleman waits for you enter the elevator first, smile and say 'thank you'.

In the elevator

  1. Move to the back of the elevator to make room for those entering behind you. Be one of the last to enter the elevator if you think you are getting off the elevator first.
  2. Face the elevator door/exit. Your back must be to the back or side of the elevator.
  3. Do not eat.
  4. Do not fart.
  5. Do not hold the door after everyone is in. Only hold the door for someone if you have made eye contact, AND they are close enough for you to hear them ask you to hold the door. 
  6. Keep conversation to a minimum.
  7. If you must speak, use your inside voice. 
  8. Do not spray perfume.
  9. Do not play music without headphones.
  10. Do not turn up the volume on headphones loud enough for the person standing next to you to hear.
  11. Do not flirt.
  12. Do not argue.
  13. Do not try to continue a cell phone conversation.
  14. Maintain your personal space (at least 2 feet between you and the next person). Do not stand directly next to the only other person in the elevator.
  15. If the elevator is packed and you are closest to the door, you must step outside briefly to let out exiting riders. Re-enter quickly.

Exiting the elevator

  1. Say 'excuse me' and move towards the door as soon as the elevator comes to a stop.
  2. Exit quickly.