Underarm hair?

There is a trend of women growing out and showing their underarm hair. See the links to the stories below:

NY POST PAGE SIX: Jemima Kirke shows off armpit hair

US WEEKLY: Miley Cyrus Shows the World Her Long Armpit Hair: Is This a Style Do or Don't?



CNN: Armpit hair a growing trend for women

This is totally natural. Underarm hair is not disgusting. It does not make a woman nasty to not shave her underarms. Shaving armpit hair is completely a woman's prerogative. It only becomes an issue if it affects her hygiene, or health. 

However, with all that said we don't need to see it. I am not saying that armpit-hair-Ladies need to be excommunicated, or that we need an intervention, but cover it.  Armpit hair on women is distracting. People who see it, either love it, or hate it. You are either admired for embracing all the natural things about yourself, or judged for not taking care of yourself. It is very rare to find someone who simply does not care.



Shaving your armpits gives you the freedom to wear tube tops, tank tops, strapless outfits, halter tops, etc. without being controversial. If you choose to grow out your armpit hair, that's what sleeves are for. This is a win win. You can hold on to your integrity of being au naturel, and also control the type of attention that you get.

Trends come and trends go. I have zero respect for people who do this for the sake of a trend, but admire those who make this decision based on principle.