Your Yoga Pants and You

I am only going to address five major sins of yoga pants. Spring is in the air!! There are so many girls wearing yoga pants everywhere and everyday. They are either hitting the gym to get abs in time for the 4th of July BBQ, or holding on to the winter hibernation fat and no other clothes fit.

First of all……. Only wear Yoga Pants to the gym.

Its not casual/street clothes. You are not fooling anyone. We all know the difference between your yoga pants, versus actual casual wear like leggings, jeggings and skinny jeans. Wearing boots, sandals, stilettos with your yoga pants does not magically make them casual wear either. Your blazer, sweater, poncho and cardigan still fails to make yoga pants fit for anything but the gym. Your poor fashion sense, cellulite and limited wardrobe are the only things we can see when you wear yoga pants outside of the gym.


Second of all…….They can be transparent.

As in, see through. As in, we can tell if you are wearing underwear or not. As in, we can count the moles on your behind.  As in, we can guess your next Brazilian appointment at the salon. That’s too much information. You are wearing a piece of clothes that is supposed to provide coverage, and you failed. Do a stress test of the fabric in the store by stretching the fabric over the palm of your hand. If you can see the lines in your hand, NEXT!!




Third of all…….You can go too low.

Hey, I admire a flat, toned and ripped stomach as much as the next person. I draw the line at seeing your hip bones. Let’s assume you can still see your hip bones, or feel them at the very least. Use that as the line of demarcation to judge how low your yoga pants can go. If you can neither feel or see your hip bones, I strongly advise that you do not wear yoga pants at all, and stick to sweats in your size.





Fourth of all…….Camel-toe.

How can I discreetly address this issue?? *deep breath* We can see your vagina. Leave something to our imagination. Only your OBGYN wants to see all that. We know you are a girl. No need to prove it.







Fifth of all…….Not everyone looks “good” in yoga pants.

Both men and women have problem parts that deserve to be covered. Acknowledge and embrace how diverse our bodies are. Make an effort to accentuate the positive and distract from the negative. The fashion industry is a multi-billion dollar business. You have options. You don’t have to squeeze into the latest trend or a piece of clothes just because its in your size. Look in the mirror, or if in doubt ask a friend if your clothes look good on you. A real friend.